We spent some time in Singapore in the early 1990's when my wife took work assignments there. This was shortly after shutting down my photo business. Fortunately I met the owner of a photo lab, which provided access to quality lab work. I was shooting mostly color negatives, and a source for decent processing certainly contributed to my desire to go out and shoot. Unfortunately, my efforts to scan the original color negs has been (so far) less than satisfying. I have really decent results with slides and black and white negs, but color negatives still disappoint me. These images are from scans of the original 5" prints made in the early 1990's. No doubt they fall a bit short of highest photographic standards . . . . but I enjoy them regardless. |
Flowers are everywhere in Singapore, and the cities' botanical garden offers abundant opportunity to view, or photograph . . . if the heat and humidity are to your liking. |
Things have no doubt changed considerably since these images were taken. When I was there, old and new stood side by side. I suspect the old stuff is losing out to the new, and with its loss, some of Singapore's charm may be disappearing. Sore feet = good shots Walking about on concrete in tropical heat is not much fun, but few photo opportunities present themselves from the comfort of a car, or hotel window. |
Street vendors, and markets were common, but I have little doubt, less common now. |
Almost daily showers call for umbrellas, and unoccupied taxis get scarce when it rains. |
Low cost clothes driers were common, but depended on the weather. |